Jands FPX Dimmer
Jands FPX Dimmer
No-risk flashes
We’ve all seen circuit breakers pop when you flash a couple of Par-64s, this happens because the current surge can be up to ten times normal with a cold lamp. With the FPX this is a thing of the past: we’ve built in smart turn on software that smoothes the current surge, preventing circuit breakers from tripping. With the FPX you can go from full-black to full-blast without fear of blowing a circuit.
Road-proof and mistake-proof
In response to customer feedback we’ve embedded the circuit breakers in a recess so they won’t get damaged when you’re lugging your rig in and out. We’ve also added an auto-shutoff feature that switches the outputs off if there’s no DMX signal for ten minutes – if someone switches off the control room but not the dimmers, the FPX will work this out by itself.
Easier all round
With a completely re-designed front panel that includes a three-digit seven segment, high-contrast display and easy-to-use buttons for testing and configuration, the FPX is safer, tougher and easier to use than ever.